Websites: General Information

         UDL-based educational resources, including tools for lessons, curriculum builders, and
         furthering one’s education

         Free online training for working with students with disabilities

Center for Parent Information and Resources:
         Formerly NICHCY. Has specific information for each IDEA defined disability,
         accommodations, assessments, IEPs, etc. Also has information for parents

Center for Talent Development (Northwestern University):
         Resources for Gifted & Talented students

Common Core Standards:
         Information on Common Core Standards, measurable learning targets, and resources

         Lesson plans, teaching resources, materials such as worksheets and interactive games,
         networking opportunities and educational outreach

         Resources, tools and solutions for teachers, parents, and administrators

IRIS Center, Vanderbilt:
         Provides broad range of instructional information for a variety of subjects, including but
         not limited to RTI, UDL, assistive technology, collaboration, and content instruction
         targeting students with disabilities

         Student and teacher technology standards ; information on technology in the classroom

Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA):
         Information and resources for teaching students with learning disabilities

National Center on Universal Design for Learning:
         Resources and videos on UDL instruction

National Park Service for Education:
         Teacher resources for anything and everything the NPS protects. Includes lesson plans, virtual 
         tours, lecturers, and collections--adds that "see it, touch it" aspect to learning.         

Special Education Institute [Association of Educators]:
         live and on-demand webinar training

         Collection of lessons, units, and web resources.

Teacher Tube: TeacherTube:

         Resources for special ed teachers including curriculum, assessment, classroom           
         management, and specific LDs

         A place where teachers can watch, share, and learn from other educators (videos, blog, etc)

         Videos from various speakers on education and education philosophy

Touch Math:
         Multisensory math program

US Dept. of Education--Office of Special Ed. and Rehabilitative Services:
         IDEA resources and publications from assessment to teaching

         Special ed and education law

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