Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Journey Continues . . .

Our Crew at Golden Spike National Historic Site, Utah
I technically started on my journey down the education highway, 11-years ago after departing the world of archaeology and stumbling into a classroom filled with dyslexic and ADHD students. Teaching to school-age children wasn't my intention. I had applied to tutor adults how to read. Instead, my future employer--a private school for dyslexic children--placed me in the high school. The "itch" to teach had spread like a bout of poison ivy.

A hiatus of 9-years kept me derailed from pursuing a certification in teaching. I'm glad to say that the train's back on the tracks and I'm chugging toward a General Special Education certification with Learning Disability endorsement. I've almost completed a year's worth of college coursework toward this goal.

Though this blog is part of an assignment for an Assistive and Educational Technology course, I've contemplated starting one in order to maintain my ever-growing list of resources. I've been "mentally chewing" on how to keep my resources organized and accessible no matter where I am. After a discussion with classmates from my Behavioral Supports for Complex Behaviors class, it became apparent that New Hampshire special education teachers need access to a network of educators where they can share ideas and resources, pose questions, and collaborate. So, here we are, A Classroom Chronicle, a place where one can find links to useful resources, post comments, ask questions, offer advice, or collaborate on a proposed project.

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